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Safety and Health

We are committed to achieving the highest standards of workplace safety and health. We aim to provide a healthy and safe working environment by eliminating any conditions that could result in personal injury or ill health.
This cannot be achieved without the commitment and cooperation of staff and students, together we have a collective responsibility and duty of care to comply with our workplace safety and health policies, procedures and guidelines.

This page provides more detailed information on how you can contribute to the safety and health of yourself and others while studying with us.

It's our legal duty of care to make sure that we undertake our work in a safe manner, without detriment to ourselves or others.

This means that staff and students:

  • Share the responsibility for safety and health in the workplace.
  • Have to be familiar with safety and health policies, procedures and instructions and comply with them.
  • Should take reasonable care of themselves and others in the workplace by being aware of the effects of their actions.
  • Have to cooperate with College staff.
  • Are obliged to report all potential hazards, incidents and injuries, and
  • Should know who the safety representative is in their location (every campus has an elected or nominated safety representative).

This legal duty of care will also carry through to students' current and future workplaces as a part of everyday work practices.

If you see something that you think could harm yourself or others and you cannot eliminate the risk, tell your lecturer, the safety representative, another staff member or security about it. Please do not ignore it!

We require that all students who are new to campus or work area receive a safety induction by one of our lecturers. During a safety induction, safe working procedures are explained and students are made aware of specific workplace safety hazards.

As a new student, familiarise yourself with any known hazards and identify them prior to commencing work.

It is vital that you DO NOT perform any tasks for which you haven't received the appropriate information, instruction and supervision for.

In the event of an emergency you will be required to follow the emergency evacuation procedure for your workplace.

'Location Building Evacuation Plans' are strategically placed on the walls or back of doors in work areas on campus. Your evacuation pathway and nearest emergency assembly area is clearly marked on these plans.

We have nominated wardens throughout the workplace whose role is to help you exit safely from the building in the event of an emergency evacuation. Wardens can be clearly identified by their orange high-visibility vest and/or red helmet.

In the classroom your lecturer is the warden. It is important that you respond to an emergency evacuation request immediately and follow the warden's instructions.

Make sure you familiarise yourself with emergency alarms, exits and assembly areas in all areas that you go to.

First aid facilities are provided at various locations on campus. Any student that requires first aid assistance should contact the designated first aid officer. Make sure you familiarise yourself with the location of the first aid kit/room and who your nearest first aid officer is. If you are unsure ask your lecturer.

Under the Work Health and Safety Ace 2020 it is a requirement to report all accidents and incidents in the workplace.

All accidents and incidents must be reported using an accident incident report form, which is available from your lecturer or any staff member.

It is important to use chemicals and other hazardous substances in a safe manner.

A Safety Data Sheet must be kept in close proximity to any chemical used and stored on site. The Safety Data Sheet must be read prior to use of the chemical and must be readily available in the event of a spill or other emergency.

A chemical manifest is kept on each site and, in accordance with statutory regulations, all flammable materials and substances must be stored in a secure, enclosed and isolated area, away from all sources of ignition.

For more information about the management of chemicals speak to your lecturer.

In designated work areas you must wear personal protective equipment and clothing.
At a minimum, you must at all times wear appropriate footwear while on campus, or while engaged in TAFE activity off-campus.

Be aware that some areas, such as workshops, are restricted. These areas have mandatory safety policies and dress standards. Any student failing to comply will be refused entry to the workshop.

If you are unsure of the personal protective equipment requirements in your area contact your lecturer.

You are expected to adopt a 'clean up as you go' approach as this will ensure that work areas are maintained in a tidy and safe condition.

This practice promotes safety and good housekeeping and includes:

  • Returning all tools to their correct location after use.
  • Rolling up hoses after use.
  • Cleaning spillages as they occur.
  • Keeping access and exits  clear at all times.
  • Guarding or barricading hazards.
  • Keeping flammable liquids contained in appropriate flammable storage cabinets.
  • Ensuring electric cables and cords do not lay across passageways.
  • Securing torn carpets.
  • Storing away all equipment, materials, resources, files and documents after use.
  • Turning off electrical appliances at night.

It is important that you familiarise yourself with your working/learning environment and help keep it clean, organised and clear of rubbish as this will help reduce the potential of an accident occurring.

We are a no smoking site (this includes vaping and e-cigarettes). By providing a smoke free working and learning environment we aim to reduce potential health risks to staff, students and visitors.

You should be aware of the effect of alcohol and other drugs on your ability to work and study safely.

The use of alcohol and other drugs (including any medications) can impair your ability to work and/or study in a fit, alert and safe manner.

You must not attend classes or take part in any other TAFE activities while intoxicated by alcohol or other drugs.

Medications and non-prescription drugs
You must ensure that your ability to work or to safely carry out TAFE related activities is not affected by any medication or (non-prescription) drugs. If you suspect your behaviour and/or ability to work could be affected you should inform your lecturer or manager before commencing work or class.

Reporting medical conditions
Please notify your lecturer and fellow students of any medical condition they may need to know about. All information provided will be treated confidentially.

We aim to provide the best physical and learning environment for its students and will correct any instances of unlawful behaviour.

Harassment, violence and abuse of any kind is totally unacceptable and will not be tolerated. 

You are actively encouraged to report to your lecturer, supervisor, or manager any incidence of physical or verbal abuse on campus premises. You should always avoid provoking or placing yourself in confrontation situations. If you feel threatened, in danger or witness violence to someone else, alert security immediately.

In the event of a student requiring emergency medical treatment, we have a duty of care to call an ambulance. As the cost of the ambulance and any medical expenses are not covered by us, we strongly recommend that all students obtain personal health insurance and ambulance cover.

SM TAFE is covered by the Insurance Commission of WA (RiskCover), providing General Liability and Personal Accident Insurance. This provides Personal Accident Insurance* for students who are undertaking unpaid work experience that is required or arranged by South Metropolitan TAFE. Personal Accident Insurance* is also extended to those students attending all official excursions or other similar activities which are approved and organised by South Metropolitan TAFE.

Students are not covered for personal accidents while on campus and are responsible for their own medical costs.

Responsibility lies with the Student/Parent/Guardian whether to arrange their own Personal Accident Insurance or Private Health Cover, if they believe the current SM TAFE cover is inadequate.

Registered apprentices/trainees who injure themselves while on campus, should lodge a claim directly with their employer under the provisions of the Workers’ Compensation insurance.

* The Personal Accident Insurance policy covers out of pocket medical expenses, up to certain limits, after Medicare and/or the student’s private health insurance rebates.